Friday, February 9, 2007

15 Reasons Why Television Is Wrong

This is the other old tract on television which I found in a Quaker meetinghouse. After I have posted it, I will comment on both of them.

15 Reasons Why Television Is Wrong

Ecclesiastes 7: 29:
Lo, this only have I found: that God hath made man upright; but they have sought out many inventions.

1. Because many of our spiritual leaders, and mothers in Israel, of various denominations, have voiced their opinion against it. Read Ezekiel 33: 4; Hebrews 13:17.
2. It is detrimental to Spirituality. Statistics show that theater business has fallen off since TV became popular. This has caused some theater owners to quit business and go into the TV business. Obviously these facts indicate that TV has, to a large extent, taken the place of the Theater, by moving into the front parlor of many homes. Too many have used the feeble excuse that it is less expensive and a means of keeping our children at home. I believe the family altar is the answer. Read Col. 3:1, 2.
3. It is a proven fact that some persons who purchased a TV set while they were in an unregenerated state, after conversion were convicted of its evil influence, and disposed of same. a minister's unsaved son, who was in possession of a TV set, told his father that he was convinced that in order to become a genuine Christian, he would have to dispose of TV from his life. Read 2 Cor. 5: 17.
4. The fact remains that 80 percent of that which comes through the eye gate is remembered, while only 20 percent of what is heard. TV presents a much greater opportunity for the beer, wine, whiskey, and tobacco businesses, and the display of improperly dressed women. This is all sanctioned in many homes; and not only sanctioned, but has become a commodity in many homes. Read 2 Sam. 11: 2, 3, 4.
5. The best of God's people are opposed to TV. I feel many of them have confidence in my religion. Influence and confidence are very valuable things in the work of the Lord. I cannot afford to lose them. Read Proverbs 22: 28.
6. The beer, whiskey, wine and tobacco advertisements, improperly dressed dancers, Hollywood divorce evil, murder pictures and lustful scenes, are a long way from gracing a Christian home. Read Philippians 4: 8.
7. There was a day when a growing boy was not permitted to see a burlesque performance, but now Junior gets it served with his chicken dinner, and his breakfast toast. Read Proverbs 22: 6.
8. Television will warp and twist the mind of our youth. When there are so many crimes and murder programs shown on TV, I am inclined to believe the story of the little boy, when informed that Grandpa had passed away in the night, asked, "Who shot him?" Read Proverbs 22: 6.
9. Crime programs, such as pictured on television screens, won't make better boys and girls, but thieves, murderers, gangsters, prostitutes and bowery bums. Read Luke 17: 1, 2.
10. Television caters to the evil mind. One old codger in Pennsylvania said he had been hanging around stage shows for over 50 years without seeing as much female anatomy as he had observed on television shows. Read Romans 6: 21.
11. I have three children whom I want to see make it through to heaven. I refuse to place temptation before them. I have always taught them as a father should: that the movies were evil. I know they have confidence in my life, and appreciate my advice. I will never betray that confidence, or change now, since the devil has transferred the movie into the home. I would rather lift high the Bible standard, and pray for my children with a clear conscience, than to cater to this Satanic influence, and weep later because I failed them. 2 Timothy 3: 15; 2 Tim. 4: 3, 4.
12. I am told that TV sets cost from $300.00 to $500.00. This is a lot of money to spend foolishly, while souls are dying and going to hell, all because they have never heard the Gospel of Jesus Christ. They could be saved if our willing missionaries had the required funds to take the Gospel to them. There are some places where $300.00 would help to win 600 souls for Christ. Read Isa. 55: 2.
(NOTE: Since this tract was written, the cost of buying a TV set has been greatly reduced, but this does not lessen the evil, but rather increases the danger, since it makes TV more easily obtainable, thus increasing the temptation to have this "pipeline" from hell in the home. Beware of this old serpent that is entering your homes through this charming magic box. It carries poison from hell.)
13. 1 Cor. 10: 31: Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatever ye do, do all to the glory of God. God does not get glory out of lust pictures, prize fights, nude dancers, wrestling bouts, liquor or tobacco advertisement, crime promotion, Hollywood divorce evil, etc.
14. Time is valuable; we have none to waste. Statistics prove that children who have access to television spend an average of 30 hours a week before a television screen. Parents, read Ephesians 5: 15, 16.
15. It robs any individual of his spiritual strength. I am convinced no one (without exception) can look upon TV for long and be deeply spiritual, or carry a concern for lost souls. Any one who believs the Bible from cover to cover, cannot approve of TV. Read 1 Cor. 9: 27; 1 Cor. 10: 12.

Crime's School Master
A recent study of television programs revealed that southern Californians have plenty of blood and thunder drifting into their living rooms from Los Angeles stations. In just one week, they could have viewed on the television 91 murders; seven stage hold-ups; three kidnappings; 10 thieves, four burglaries; two cases of arson; two jail breaks; one explosion which killed a score of people; two suicides and one case of blackmail.
My friend, I am asking you the most important question of your life. Are you saved and ready for heaven? If not, you need salvation above everything else. If you miss heaven and lose your soul, all is lost. If you want to be saved you must repent, forsake sin, plead the blood of Jesus as the only covering for sin. God's Word plainly teaches: Except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish. Luke 13: 3.
Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved. Acts 16: 31.
Written by Huey Gillipsie, Evangelist.


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