Wednesday, February 7, 2007


One of the most important aspects of a religious viewpoint is how our religion influences our relationships with other people. If economics is the study of how we live our everyday lives: how we produce or acquire the things we need to live, how we make, spend, and invest money, how we own land and other property, how we trade with other people, etc., then this ought to be a central aspect of our religious thought, since these activities are such a major part of how we interact with other people. At one time, it was considered impossible to talk about economics without including religion, and such matters were an essential part of church teaching. Now, however, these are often considered to be areas of our lives about which the church has little to say.
I am creating this blog as a site for discussion of economic issues from a Christian perspective. I hope to discuss money, property, banking, insurance, wealth, poverty, trade, hospitality, work, family, education, entertainment, and other issues that form part of our economic systems, and examine how our Christianity can influence our lives in these areas. I am not advocating a strictly capitalist or socialist, or any other worldly economic system, but rather, the development of a distinctly Christian viewpoint on economics.
I invite you to join in this discussion. This is not limited to Christians from a particular denomination or opinion, but is open to all who would like to contribute. If we are to develop more informed theories of Christian economics, I think it is important to listen to all opinions, and consider them in the light of Christ.


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